Monday, September 20, 2010

New Currency Vote

This isnt anywhere near related to drifting or dubstep but I feel like I had to post this for the sake of blogging. Blogging is to keep up with the trends and to keep people updated so they dont fall out of the loop right? Well okay now that my little "disclaimer" is out of the way. . .

I would like to post a link to an article I read about today, well actually still currently looking at

Im not sure how aware all of you are but the American government has been contimplating a combined currency for the US/Canada/Mexico. What they have come up with is called the "Amero"

This is somewhat old news since no recent developments have been heard or posted anywhere as of now. But this article brings to attention the fact that there might be a change in the pictures of modern currency that everyone in this and generations prior have been accustomed too.

There are more styles that are on the website in a little slideshow, personally I wouldn't mind changing the money because they all do look very nice and modern but Im not sure if Barrack Obama is justifiably able to replace our founding father George Washington.

What are your guys thoughts about this? Im not gonna give you guys a new post for a couple days so everyone can take a look at this because I feel it is important for everyone to check this out. 

Heres the link again for you lazy to scroll up -


On weekly world news it is confirmed that the picture you see above will be the new currency all of you guys will get to know and love and or hate. Obama is confirmed to be on the new dollar bill.<br><br>

Source :


"WASHINGTON – The White House has approved the redesign of U.S. currency.  Barack Obama will be on the new dollar bill.
The Obama Administration feels that the American dollar is in bad need of a makeover.  They have partnered with the Dollar ReDe$ign Project to pick a new design for U.S. currency.  Currently, the design that the administration likes best was done by Dowling Duncan (a British duo), which features a unique vertical design.  It also features President Obama on the one dollar bill.
“We love the way Dowling Duncan think.  They’ve come up with a creative design and put President Obama where he belongs… on number 1,” said David Axelrod, Senior Adviser to President Obama."

"The Dollar Redesign Project was organized by creative strategy consultant Richard Smith.  He is still soliciting ideas for the dollar bill of the future. “Our great ‘rival’, the Euro, looks so spanky in comparison it seems the only clear way to revive this global recession is to rebrand and redesign,” the project notes on its website.

Here’s the web site for  The Dollar Redesign Project.
“Don’t waste your time submitting a design, it’s a done deal,” said Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff.  The President wants “change” in the currency and we’ve unanimously picked Dowling Duncan’s work.  Fed Chairman, Benjamin Bernanke, has signed off our choice for the redesign.  We hoped to have the money in circulation by June, 2011.”

What are your guys thoughts on this?


  1. No hell no....

    Im all for this but the main reason why not...the gov. agenda will get that much closer since they want world wide gov. control and by doing this they are 1 step closer.

    And what kinda money looks like this...and i like your disclaimer XD you didnt have too but ok

  2. haha I know I didnt have to do the disclaimer but meh oh well :p
    I personally really like the new money, it seems more of a fashion oriented thing though. All money is the same and thats what people think of.. I think people would actually wanna hold on to these because the fact they look cool. I know when I get my first crisp 1 dollar that Im gonna put it up in a frame because my whole lifetime and many others we know its been different.

    Its almost surreal to think that our currency is going to change appearances completely

  3. cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  4. that is hilarious :)

  5. I have always been interested in currency. American money is just so boring. I love the look of the Euros. I wish the US would move to something similar. At least change things up a bit more than what they have done. Currency can be art.

  6. this is suspiciously reminiscent of new world order..
    then again its not like anything i think/say/do can have any affect.
    FUCK IT why not?

  7. You now have a new follower... How do you like those apples?

  8. i've seen it on the zeitgeist movie in 2008!

    it would be something like the european union.

  9. just because obama is president now doesnt mean he needs his face on the dollar bill...

    OBAMA - One Big Ass Mistake America!!!

  10. nope not in a million years

  11. I dunno. There are things to be said on this subject. I'm sure. But I honestly can't make myself care what our fake money looks like.

  12. i like your post!;) cool bro;)
    supportin & follow you;)

  13. Glad I'm more knowledgeable now.

  14. seen this before, "Going forward, looking back." is by far the best imo, some cool designs though =D

  15. The North American Union will end national Sovereignty in North America. Obama is a scum bag

  16. do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
    cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  17. Haha, I agree with you there, buddy!

  18. Heheh funny that Obama is on the one Amero bill :-) Just stopping by to show daily support, have a nice day!! ;-)

  19. No no no no no.

    The Canadian dollar has been just as strong as the American lately. I'll stick to that thank you very much.

  20. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog :)

  21. dollars look cool as they are now imo, the $1 bill could use a change though :)

  22. looks cool but this is just stupid, we're the mothafuckin USA, not part of the 'American Union'... We really are just turning into socialists... Following to see where this goes
